Electric Vehicle Technology Explained:
Professionals, researchers and engineers in the electric vehicle industry as well as advanced students in electrical and mechanical engineering will benefit from this comprehensive coverage of electric vehicle technology.
James Larminie is a Principal Lecturer and is Director of Postgraduate Studies in the School of Technology at Oxford Brookes University in Oxford, UK. He co-authored the first edition of Electric Vehicle Technology Explained with Jon Lowry, which was published by John Wiley & Sons in 2003.
Dr John Lowry, Acenti Designs Ltd., Swindon, UK
Dr John Lowry is an engineer who has worked in industry and academia. He studied for his PhD at Queen Mary College, London University, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, a Fellow of the Energy Institute and a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology. He was a Principal Lecturer at Oxford Brookes University from 1983 to 2001. He has acted as a consultant to numerous organisations in the UK and abroad and has been a consultant to the UN.