Table of Contents
Prejudice and biased thinking
The Idea of “Househusband”
Traditional Conventional Duties of Man
Joint Families and Nuclear Families
Allocation of Duties
Changing Roles
Changes in the Urban Social Landscape
Author Bio
Once upon a time, the role of a woman in society was to be a daughter, wife and mother and take care of the house. It was the job of the man to earn bread to bring up the family, because he was the provider, while the mother was the nurturer and caregiver.
Even today, even though we have moved up to the twenty first century, there are plenty of retrogressive societies where woman is still supposed to play just one role – her responsibility is taking care of the house, and the children while the man goes out and works. In fact, I have read a number of books, where the image of the woman as the little woman taking care of kinder [children] and kitchen is still ingrained right in the minds of people because they have been brought up to think that way.