Table of Contents
Hangover Remedies
Get Rid of the Alcoholic Habit
Getting Rid of the Opium Addiction/Craving
Tea and Coffee Addiction
Getting Rid of the Smoking/Tobacco Habit
Traditional Medicine
Method of Use
Cinnamon Honey Cure
Alternative Practical Cure
Author Bio
This book is for all those people who find themselves addicted to something, without which they cannot do. We know all about drug abuse and alcohol abuse, but you may also be addicted to tea and caffeine. It started out as an amusement or to keep yourself awake when you had to work hard at night, or just as a social recreation in keeping up with your friends.
This is how you may have started smoking. Your friends were doing it, so you bent under peer pressure and soon you were smoking like a chimney. This is also how drug addiction starts with “I dare you,” told to you by someone who you admire, particularly, and who you think plenty cool.
You better not being hanging out with your smoking friends; you have been doing so well at quitting.
There are many people out there, especially doctors, who are going to tell you that addictions of any sort do not go away until and unless you put yourself in the hands of the medical tribe. They are also going to ask you to join Alcoholics Anonymous, where you are going to be put on more drugs so that you can bear the withdrawal symptoms of detoxifying yourself from a drug, alcohol, opium, cannabis, marijuana, or other addiction.
Let me tell you, that for centuries, there have been many natural alternative medicines in which people have been getting cured of such addictions, but of course modern-day doctors do not want you to know anything about these therapies. Instead, they would rather have you go through the hassle of withdrawal – all the while, giving you the same drug in smaller quantities so that your body supposedly gets used to that smaller dosage – and you think that you are getting better.
Well, my friends, that isn’t necessarily so. Soon you may find yourself craving your recreational drug of choice, breakfast Martini, snort, snifter, whatever you call it, and there you are back again on the drug cartels' statistics list.