Nilo Lima
This is a good book for any entrepreneur out there. I had many friends making weird faces when they saw me reading Trump. Still, I believe it is important noticing that while he is not the president model many people would really desire, he is still successful in making money. Co-authored with Bill Zanker, founder of The Learning Annex, an entrepreneur who learned these tactics firsthand from Trump, Think BIG shows us how to bring a winning attitude to everything we do. Not one of my best reads, as I could perceive lots of personality traces that do not fit with my own, but still a good read.
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Ew. Why would you want to follow in the footsteps of a racist, sexiest, homophobic pig? I mean, unless you see nothing wrong with disrespecting and degrading other people's human rights for the sake of your own benefit. And for the people saying that all the negative reviews are from "Hill bots", I hate Hillary Clinton as well 😂
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Soumili Banerjee
People wanna talk when I'm not around to hear Really they don't know what I'm made of People keep on walking so far away from here Clearly I'm the one they're afraid of One after another, they've always come and gone So what if I'm a monster that's been here all along They're dropping like flies whenever I'm around So used to goodbyes, there's comfort in the sound Maybe I'm the monster that's been here all along Bending 'till you break and you can't take anymore I'm not worth the trouble it seems I would say you're wrong, but I've been here before You won't be the last one to leave People wanna talk when I'm not around to hear Really they don't know what I'm made of People keep on walking so far away from here Clearly I'm the one they're afraid of One after another, they've always come and gone So what if I'm a monster that's been here all along They're dropping like flies whenever I'm around So used to goodbyes, there's comfort in the sound Maybe I'm the monster that's been here
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