Darla Lett
i didn't partially care for quite a few things. Number 1, The cover showa a woman on the cover, ita pretty clear what the book is inplying. Number 2, the book fails to mention that God blessed the midwives in Egypt to save them from being killed by pharoah. i hate it when people use scripture to suit their needs. Lots of Christans hid Jews during WW 2. I think it would be pretty awful to tell a NAZI where Jews we're hiding. I myself, have lied to my elderly mother because it saved a kind and Godly woman emotional pain. i waa diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2001, My husband was in the military and we were stationed in South Dakota and my mother lives in Ohio. My husband and i have made plans to visit my family and his and then my multiple sclerosis decided to rear it's ugly head and i was in the hospital when ww were planning on going. My husband took the kids to Ohio anf told my family that I wasn't able ti gi because i was taking care of a sick friend. I did the right thing.
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