* Learn about Visibility Marketing and how understanding Amazon’s philosophy can boost your sales.
* Discover the algorithms that really go into Sales Rank and dispel some remarkably common myths.
* Decode the ways Amazon recommends millions of books to readers every single day.
* Understand the critical differences between the Best Seller list and the Popularity list.
* Implement proven marketing plans, optimized for maximum Amazon visibility.
Whether you are exclusive to Amazon and chasing those page reads, or a wide author trying to survive the onslaught of Kindle Unlimited titles, Amazon Decoded will share the secrets of the Kindle Store and how you can sell more books.
David Gaughran was born in Ireland but now lives in a quaint little fishing village in Portugal, although this doesn’t seem to have increased the time he spends outside. He writes historical fiction and science fiction under another name, has helped tens of thousands of authors publish their work and build a career for themselves through his workshops, blog, and writers’ books—Let’s Get Digital, Strangers to Superfans, Amazon Decoded, BookBub Ads Expert, and Following—and has also created giant marketing campaigns for some of the biggest self-publishers on the planet. Visit DavidGaughran.com to get yourself a free book.