Successful Shepherding - Management + Preparation = Healthy Sheep
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Pre-Lambing
Chapter 2: It’s Time
Chapter 3: I Feel so Baaaad
Chapter 4: Something is not Right
Author Bio
Contrary to the opinions of many, sheep are an excellent choice when it comes to farming and raising livestock. Sheep are easily managed when managed properly and consistently (as should be the case with all livestock) and are profitable due to the fact that lamb is a highly sought-after meat.
But just like anything else, the profitability depends upon the quality of your product. You cannot expect to get top-market prices for sub-standard animals.
Knowing how to raise healthy, hardy sheep is the key to profitability. And know you will…if you take the time to become familiar with what lies within the pages of this book. By doing so you will be ready for lambing, be able to spot a potential problem before it becomes one and make management decisions that will make your flock stand head and shoulders above the rest.