Crystal Buffington is a woman who, like so many women, have many roles; mother, wife, sister, daughter, and loving her new role, grandmother. However, the role that is most important to her is as God's representative in the earth. Crystal loves spending time with her children, Sonja, Andrew, & Karen and grandson Drew, Jr. She enjoys spending time with friends, movies, and reading. She is a college student and work a full-time job. Crystal desires to encourage and empower others. She, far too well, understands the different struggles and storms that women in particular face every day. She want people to know that they don't have to wait until tomorrow for the Sun to come out. They can have the Son right now. She desires to see people as a whole but women specifically fulfill their God-given purpose and possess the irrevocable promises of God. She is an ordained minister at Spirit of Faith Chrisitian Center where she worships and serves in ministry. She is above all else a servant and want her life to be a sweet aroma to God; pleasing and acceptable in His sight.