Pan America
It's an amazing story about two girls who are pen-pals living on opposite ends of contintental America, the lives they lead and the challenges they face. Towards the end of the book they get to meet each other.
A Google user
I loved it! I read it in that store for books. I would love to get it! It shows you two different lifestyles, and it is a very common life. It shows basiclly how to go through loosing a friend, getting through your parents divorce, making a new friend, and in this book Katie was making a cause to help (in this book, a earthquake in Mexico) a girl in Mexico with no family, so Katie hostes a jog-a-thon to help raise money. So it shows you to help other people that you may read about, live with, or even be friends with! I loved this book. would totally get it for a present!