Vladimir F. Krapivin was educated at the Moscow State University as mathematician in 1959. He received his PhD in radiophysics from the Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (KIRE) of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) in 1966. The Doctoral Dissertation in geophysics was defended him at the Moscow Institute of Oceanology of RAS in 1973. He became Full Professor of Radiophysics in 1987. The title “Honoured Worker of Science” was given to him in 1999 by Russian Government. He was appointed Grand Professor in 2012 at the Nguyen Tat Thanh University (Vietnam). Vladimir Krapivin is a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. He has published 37 books and 570 papers in the field of ecoinformatics, remote-sensing and global modeling. At present time he is chief scientists of KIRE and he has specialized in investigating global environmental change by the application of modeling technology and remote sensing tools.