An otherworldly creature in pursuit of an escaped criminal crashes his ship in (where else?) rural New Mexico. Now the chase is on. The self-appointed Earth Defense Force, a local shaman, an ambitious reporter, a private investigator, a former hedge-fund manager, a rancher, and a witch or two all are interested in finding the new arrivals and they each have their own agenda.
So do the aliens.
In short, it's a normal day in Silver City, New Mexico.
Ed Teja is a lifelong writer and denizen of the margins of the world. A former magazine editor and boat bum, after years living rather out of the mainstream, he lurks around rural New Mexico writing stories are about the people he meets and places he knows. Stories that reach into the odd corners of the world that often disappear into the margins, and tell of the amazing, often strange, people that inhabit those places.
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