Ping Ke is Professor of English and Translation Studies at Nanjing University, where he teaches E/C & C/E translation, translation studies, contrastive linguistics, language and translation technology, and research methodology at undergraduate or post-graduate levels. He has also taught translation at Peking University and the University of Macau, and has worked for UNESCO as a senior translator. His research interests include principles of translation, contrastive study of English and Chinese, corpus linguistics, bilingual lexicography, terminology, and computer translation. His work has appeared in such publications as Zhongguo Fanyi [Chinese Translatorsâ Journal], Babel, META, Perspectives, and The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (2nd ed). His book Yinghan yu Hanying Fanyi Jiaocheng [A Textbook of English-Chinese and Chinese-English Translation] represents a major effort in mainland China toward systematizing the teaching of English/Chinese translation and has been published by Peking University Press and Bookman Co, Ltd, Taiwan in several editions. Prof. Ke is a Council Member of the Jiangsu Provincial chapter of the Translatorsâ Association of China (TAC), an Expert Member of the TAC, and a Council Member of China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese.