This is not a story of happily ever after – it’s the twisted YA sequel in the origin story of an infamous villain...
The once-future Queen of Hearts, Princess Dinah, has been exiled from Wonderland. Her vicious father who she always feared has framed her for a brutal murder and turned the kingdom against her.
Now hiding in the mysterious Twisted Wood with only her war steed at her side, Dinah is faced with a choice – to leave Wonderland forever or stay and fight for the throne.
A chance encounter with a long-lost enemy of the kingdom brings Dinah more allies than she ever could have imagined. But before battle, Dinah must confront truths about her heart and her destiny – no matter how dark those secrets may be.
Revolution is rising in Wonderland. Dinah’s war has begun.
Colleen Oakes is the bestselling author of books for both teens and adults, including The Elly in Bloom Series, and The Wendy Darling Saga. She lives in North Denver with her husband and son and surrounds herself with the most lovely family and friends imaginable. When not penning new books, Colleen can be found swimming, travelling, reading or advocating for adoption and literacy.