Antennas. Yours, theirs…and propagation conditions between. In other words, you can have the most advanced transceiver, coupled with the most powerful amplifier on the market, if you know too little about how antenna systems work and about radio wave propagation, you risk spending your time and money for naught.
This e-book is the first of a series on HF antennas. Together, they will help ensure that you turn the situation around to your advantage.
Claude Jollet obtained his amateur radio Basic Certificate with his operator's license in 1973 and his Advanced Certificate in 1974. He has been operating under the call sign VE2DPE from day one. He loves everything about ham radio, but he especially loves to experiment with antennas. Hence his decision to share the fruits of his more than 40 years experience in this e-book and the others in the series. As the call sign reveals, Claude lives in the predominantly French speaking Canadian Province of Québec, in a small town called Notre-Dame-des-Prairies.