Chirine Mossadegh has been a registered nurse for the past ten years in the ICU at La Pitié-Salpetrière Hospital in Paris, France. She has been a member of the organizing committee of the annual international congress for the French ICU society from 2010 to 2014.
She is the nurse’s program coordinator for the International Congress on ECMO and short term circulatory/respiratory support taking place every June in Paris for the past 5 years. She’s also teaching about nursing care and ECMO for the French university diploma on ECMO since its creation in 2012 and for the la Pitié Hospital International diploma in ECMO and short term respiratory/circulatory support since its creation in 2014.
Prof. Alain Combes is currently Professor of Critical Care Medicine at, Hôpital Pitié-Salpétrière, Université de Paris 6 since 2007.His interest research are: Care of patients with severe/refractory cardiac and/or respiratory failure, Paris ECMO center- VA ECMO, LVADs, heart transplantation for end-stage cardiac failure- VV ECMO, ECCO2R for severe respiratory failure Primary investigator of 3 multicenter international randomized trial:- EOLIA, to test the impact of early ECMO treatment in severe ARDS- HEROICS, to test high volume hemofiltration in patients with complicated heart surgery- SUPERNOVA, ECCO2R for moderate to severe ARDS
He is a regular reviewer for the following journals : - American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Circulation, JACC, Lancet respiratory, Critical Care Medicine, Chest, Cochrane library, Intensive Care Medicine, BMJ, Heart, Critical Care, Journal of Critical Care, Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, La Presse Médicale. He has published 108 peer-reviewed articles.