Dr. Chetan Keswani Senior Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. He has keen interest in regulatory, commercialization and intellectually property aspects of agriculturally important microorganisms in Asia. He is an elected Fellow of the Linnaean Society of London, UK and received Best Ph.D. Thesis Award from the Uttar Pradesh Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India in 2015. He is an editorial board member of several reputed agricultural microbiology journals and has edited nine books on the subject. For his editorial endeavours he was awarded the Publons Top Peer Review Award in Agricultural Sciences (2018), Outstanding Editor Award (2019) by Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, Taylor and Francis, and Springer-Society Award (2020) for Excellent contribution to the journal Environmental Sustainability, Springer-Nature. He has an i10 index of 26, and citations in excess of 1100.
Prof. Cristina Possas Professor at FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has been Chair of Masters ́, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Programs in Public Health and Clinical Research. Currently, Senior Scientific Advisor of Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz. Takemi Fellow, Fulbright Fellow and Visiting Scientist at Harvard University New Diseases Group for 10 years. Former Director of the Research and Technological Development in the Brazilian National AIDS Program, Ministry of Health. Former Secretary of National Biosafety Commission - CTNBio (GMOs), Ministry of Science and Technology. Invited by Nobel Prize Françoise Barré-Sinoussi to collaborate as member of working groups in HIV Cure Initiative of the International AIDS Society-IAS, with several international publications with members of the Initiative. Former Director of the Brazil research site of the National French Agency for AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Research (ANRS), awarded with a medal. Publications in Nature Biotechnology, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, World Bank, AIDS, JAIDS.
Prof. Emmanuel G. Koukios Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering School, National Technical University of Athens, Greece. Head of the NTUA Research Group BIOTOPOS, specialized in the engineering of biological resources and systems, the utilization of biomass in the production of bioenergy and other bio-products and bio-services, and the management and strategy of socio-technical change. His current activities focus on issues of sustainability, the use of technology foresight tools, and the emergence of bioeconomy and bio-society, with emphasis on bio-greening. His published work consists of more than 500 journal, conference and other outputs, with more than 4000 citations. His distinctions include getting an Honorary Doctorate on Bioresource Technologies from Pannonian U. (Hungary); managing the European Commission’s research activity on “Innovation in Agro-Biotechnology (Brussels); coordinating a National Technology Foresight Program (Greece); obtaining Fulbright Award on Renewable Energies by the U. of California (Berkeley, USA); and chairing the Bioeconomy Advisory Board of the EC.
Prof. Davide Viaggi Full Professor in Agricultural Economics and Rural Appraisal at the University of Bologna, Italy. The main research interests include economics of the bioeconomy, provision of public goods by agriculture and forestry, economics of innovation and entrepreneurship, agricultural policy, economics of water use, environmental evaluation, farm management. He was involved in several EU-funded projects and coordinator of the projects CAP-IRE (FP7), CLAIM (FP7), PROVIDE (H2020) and CONSOLE (H2020). Author of more than 500 publications, of which 115 papers listed in Scopus, with 1263 citations and h-index 20. Author of the book “The Bioeconomy: Delivering Sustainable Green Growth, CABI (2018) and former Editor-in-chief of the journal “Bio-based and Applied Economics. Expert for the EU Commission of the evaluation of the first Bioeconomy strategy and involved in projects on bio-based products, Bioeconomy clusters, bio-based business models, Bioeconomy transition. UNIBO representative for the European Bioeconomy University.