Whats a sandbox? Its your comfort zone.
So, why and when should you step out of yours?
Step Out of Your Sandbox! answers these and many more questions about how to get unstuck and move into your dream life.
Six steps are all it takes to smash barriers so you finally break free of self-limiting beliefs:
Embracing Aloneness
Loving Quirky
Reaching Crossroads
Surmounting Obstacles
Building Bridges
Living Passionately
Could you get excited about no longer being chained to your sandbox and instead living with zest each day? You can! Heres your Formula for Success:
Accepting Yourself (1) + Mastering Your Growth Edge (2) =
Living Passionately (3)
Accepting Yourself. A sanctuary in your imagination and an actual retreat carved out in your home, your sandbox supports your right to alone time. Daily renewal anchors your unshakeable individuality. How great would it be to embrace your uniqueness including even your foibles? Live out loud!
Mastering Your Growth Edge. When your oasis gets too cozy you must open to new possibilities. Your sandbox has become a self-created jail. Demons like doubt, fear and anxiety will raise ugly heads. You created them. You have the power to dismantle them. If you dont, youll die with the music still inside. That cant happen!
Living Passionately. Once you leave behind your old security blanket, youre up for higher challenges. All those potholes sidestepped, you heal into wholeness and build bridges to different sandboxes. You fully reclaim your Essence. You deliberately shout a resounding yes to life itself! Bring it on!
Its never its too late to realize your every hope.
You hold the key to stepping out of your sandbox.
Are you ready to embark on your journey?
Coach, facilitator, speaker and Reiki Master (healer), Carol-Ann Hamilton is a pioneer-visionary who champions and enthuses people to live purposefully. Carol-Ann’s pathway into her true mission follows a 25-year corporate career in Fortune 500, entrepreneurial and consulting settings – where she applied organizational development and cultural transformation specialization to support leaders in fostering meaningful workplaces. But it’s really making a difference with individual clients across North America, Europe and Australia that ignites her passion. Nothing delights Carol-Ann more than unleashing others’ potential, evidenced by her motto: “Encouraging Your Greatness!” She is the author of The A to Z Guide to Soul-Inspiring Leadership, with James Norrie (Epic Press, 2003) plus a by-invitation contributor to The Courage to Succeed: inspiring stories from enterprising women (2004), Walking With The Wise for Entrepreneurs (2005) and Women Who Speak, Speak Out! (2006). Unlike her other volumes, Carol-Ann’s growth as a sandbox expert arrived one step at a time. For the five years this writing took, she learned to surmount her readers’ very obstacles. Curiously, when she placed the first word to page, she didn’t know how to compose half the book! Since then, Carol-Ann has stepped out of so many comfort zones she doesn’t know where the box is anymore. But she hasn’t looked back! That’s why in sharing her wealth of stories and examples – as well as proven resources like Questions for Reflection, Do’s and Don’ts and Action Exercises – she hopes this deeply personal yet widely practical work will form an irresistible blueprint to embolden readers to venture into the uncharted territory of their True Selves with open arms. Stay tuned for Carol-Ann’s Internet radio show and The Pissed-Off Journal TM due for publication in 2010. Ask her about The Opus and Gratitude Experiment movies which she facilitates as workshops world-wide.