Leadbeater’s Clairvoyance in Time is your password, your library card to the âkâshic record. Admission is free (beyond what you paid for this book and whatever you may need to spend to devote yourself to the practice of meditation), and the library is open 24/7 to any mystics dedicated enough to think their way through the front door.
C.W. Leadbeater (1854—1934) Once a Victorian clergyman in the Church of England, Charles Webster Leadbeater joined the Theosophical Society in 1883, intently turning his attentions to the group’s more wide-ranging spirituality. He was soon teaching, lecturing, and publishing his findings in the realms of seership and other mystical development. Leadbeater’s writings include works such as Occult Chemistry (1916), which states that the elements of chemistry can be studied through psychic observation and the third eye.
Varla Ventura is the author of Varla Ventura’s Paranormal Parlor: Ghosts, Seances and Tales of True Hauntings, as well as Fairies, Pookas, and Changelings: A Complete Guide to the Wild & Wicked Enchanted Realm, along with several other books on spooky ooky stuff. She can often be found lurking about the deep dark woods, lakes, streams and parlors on the hunt for beastly things and hidden history. Visit her online at www.varlaventura.netClint Marsh is a collector of forgotten lore (like Varla Ventura), the proprietor of Wonderella publications, author of The Mentalist’s Handbook, and an outstanding resource for all things paranormal. You can find him at www.wonderella.org.