In the course of his incredible adventures, Maxime will meet several challenges, overcome every obstacle in his path, and discover some astonishing skills… The adventure takes him across countries and continents, and he will face ever-greater challenges, little suspecting that he will play a crucial role in preventing the outbreak of a conflict whose consequences would be disastrous for humanity.
— 10, 9, 8, 7… increasingly lethargic, Maxime doesn’t complete the countdown. Thrown into the mystery, he sails between dream and reality. He is walking at a snail’s pace along an endless path towards an unimaginable elsewhere. Looking up, he fails to recognize any constellation that might give a clue to his situation. Pivoting on himself, he scanned the sky, came to a halt… Could he really see Andromeda? Unbelievable! His senses contradict his knowledge: M31 is not in the right plane, and seems so close… But this galaxy is millions of light years from Earth! A moment of ecstasy… Inexplicable phenomena… Absolute emptiness. No murmur of wildlife, no rustle of flora, not even the sound of sneakers skimming along the path. Suddenly he had the deep, visceral feeling that someone, or even worse, something, was watching him.
Chuck was born in Montreal in January 1955 and spent a significant part of his youth in Montreal-North. Throughout his life, he had a strong passion for aviation, leading him to pursue a diverse career as a professional pilot, businessman, and author. Over the course of almost 50 years, he gained extensive flying experience.
In 1974, he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), where he flew various types of fighter aircraft, including being among the first CF-18 Hornet instructors. One of his accomplishments occurred in April 1986, when he became the first Canadian to reach 1,000 hours of flight time on the Hornet.
In 1986, he transitioned to the commercial aviation sector and worked as an airline pilot, taking on roles as an instructor, evaluator, manager, and test pilot.
Now retired, he continues to nurture his love for flying by piloting a Cessna 172 and exploring different parts of the world with his spouse.