The study guide is divided into three main sections:
Property and Building Inspection
Analysis of Findings and Reporting
Professional Responsibilities
Following each major section is a section-end quiz to test your mastery of the subject material. This is further reinforced by explanations in the Answer Key to each section quiz. Exam candidates should also note that all content to our exam prep is tersely presented in bullet point lists. We make every effort to present only the essential material that you need to learn the test outline subjects.
Home Inspector License Exam Prep challenges candidates to take and pass one 100-item practice test covering the entire NHIE test outline. Again, the practice test comes with an answer key and answer explanations. Between the practice quizzes and practice exams, there are 230 total questions with rationales in HILEP.
Primary author Bruce Barker, is a leading authority in the home inspection field and is the author of numerous acclaimed books, including The NHIE Home Inspection Manual, Everybody’s Building Code, Commentary on the ASHI Standard of Practice for Home Inspections, A Practical Guide to Evaluating Decks, and books in the Black & Decker series. As a certified inspector and former president of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), Bruce brings 35 years of inspection knowledge to Home Inspector License Exam Prep.
Taken as a whole, if you apply yourself to the content and test questions in our exam prep resource, we are confident you will pass the NHIE® license examination. However, learning this wide range of material and preparing yourself to pass this test is your challenge. So, at this juncture, rise to the occasion, study hard, and leave little to chance. In the end, we wish you good luck and much success in your new career!
Bruce A. Barker is the author or editor of books including: The NHIE Home Inspection Manual, Everybody’s Building Code, Commentary on the ASHI Standard of Practice for Home Inspections, A Practical Guide to Evaluating Decks, and books in the Black & Decker series including Codes for Homeowners, Deck Codes and Standards, and The Complete Guides to Wiring, Advanced Wiring, Plumbing, and Decks. He also wrote The Word column in The ASHI Reporter. Bruce is an American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) Certified Inspector who served as the 2021 ASHI President.
Bruce has been building and inspecting homes for over 35 years. He is an ICC certified Residential Combination Inspector, a licensed contractor, and a licensed home inspector in multiple states. Bruce has a BSBA in Accounting, and an MBA in Information Systems.