Metallic, Polymeric and Composite Materials
Effects of Extreme Environments including Radiation Resistance, Damage, and Aging
Challenges in Time-dependent Behavior Modeling of Low, Moderate and High Strain Rates
Effects of Frequency and Hysteretic Heating
Effects of Inhomogeneities on the Time-Dependent Behavior
Composite, Hybrid and Multifunctional Materials
Challenges in Time-dependent Behavior Modeling Viscoelastoplasticity and Damage
Effects of Interfaces and Interphases on the Time-Dependent Behavior
Environmental and Reactive Property Change Effects on Thermomechanical and Multifunctional Behaviors
Modeling and Characterization of Fabrication Processes of Conventional and Multifunctional Materials
Time-dependent and Small-scale Effects in Micro/Nano-scale TestingTime-dependent Processes in Biomaterials