Don't miss the chance to see what Wikipedia is like 300 years in the future. See a principal that has...something...on...her neck.
Bob Carlton Bob Carlton lives and works in Garland, Texas. The BDLit Stories by Bob Carlton: “A Lesson from the Road” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on the Web, Goodreads and Twitter
Phil Richardson Phil Richardson has written over 150 short stories of which seventy have been published. He lives in Athens, Ohio with his wife, Joyce, who is also a writer. Two of his stories were nominated for Pushcart Prize in Fiction awards and several stories have placed in fiction contests. His work has appeared in: on-line and print magazines and in twenty anthologies. The BDLit Stories by Phil Richardson: “Our Immortal Souls” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on the Web, Goodreads and Amazon.
Michael Fontana Michael Fontana is the author of two published novels, SLEEPING WITH GODS and THE SACRED MACHINE. He lives and writes in beautiful Bella Vista, Arkansas. The BDLit Stories by Michael Fontana: “Maps and Miracles” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on: Goodreads and Amazon.
Oscar Windsor-Smith Oscar Windsor-Smith lives in Hertfordshire, UK. He has fiction, non-fiction and a smattering of poetry published in diverse places, in print and online. He was a finalist in the New York City Midnight Short Story Challenge 2012 and was shortlisted for the University of Plymouth’s Short Fiction competition 2013. The BDLit Stories by Oscar Windsor-Smith: “Tailing the Blond Satan” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on the Web, Goodreads and Twitter.
Craig Temple Craig Temple writes from Gastown, the Victorian-era old quarter of a much younger Vancouver, Canada. By day, he makes his living writing imaginative grant proposals for the technology world. By night, he is most often found inside his own head, imagining what, in our technological world, we take for granted. His work has previously appeared on CBC Canada Writes. The BDLit Stories by Craig Temple: “Best Baby” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on the Web, Goodreads and Twitter.
Steven Crandell Steven Crandell is the father of four children. They are all loving, bright and funny. He is very proud of them. (And thoroughly objective in his analysis.) Steven helps develop and coordinate story and strategy for organizations to improve outreach, productivity and effectiveness. Nonprofit foundations are a particular focus. Current projects include writing for the Annenberg Foundation and writing a series of donor guides for high net worth individuals and families for Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. Steven is the author of the book, Silver Tongue — Secrets of Mr. Santa Barbara (2007). (It’s about his dad, Larry Crandell — also loving, bright and funny.) He writes poetry for and blogs on Huffington Post. The BDLit Stories by Steven Crandell: “Into Open Hands” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on Goodreads and Twitter.
Chad Greene Chad Greene is a graduate of the Master of Professional Writing Program at the University of Southern California, Chad Greene is an assistant professor of English at Cerritos College. Whenever he isn’t planning lessons or grading papers, he is attempting to put together a novel-in-stories tentatively titled Trips and Falls. The BDLit Stories by Chad Greene: “Drill & Kill” - Issue #3, Apr, 2014. He can be found on Goodreads and Twitter.