Billionaire Hunter

Billionaire Black Brothers Kniha 5 · Ownit Publishing LLC
19 recenzí
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Podrobnosti o e‑knize

Hunter lived his life six months at a time, moving around being a corporate headhunter. He’s called home to help a friend and ends up married. When the ruse spirals into a real relationship, things will get sticky. And then even more so when a lost man comes back, upending all the things hunter thought he’d finally get to have.

Blake is missing her brother, he’s presumed dead but she doesn’t believe that. When her old friend Hunter shows back up and offers help, she takes him up on it but not in a normal way. She marries him so she can keep her company but ends up falling in love. When it turns out that the truth about her brother is discovered, will she retreat or allow herself the happiness Hunter offers.  

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19 recenzí

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