Keep Up If You Can is a light-hearted and touching memoir that will appeal to anyone who's had a special teacher impact their life.
Fun facts:
He learned the names of all his students on the first day of school.
He assigned ancient names to his ancient history students. They called him Sherkules (SHERK-yoo-leez).
After reading Webster's Dictionary cover to cover, he encouraged his students to coin new words, and many of these were published in his three dictionaries.
Firmly believing in physical activity, he would leap atop his desk and lead his students in an aerobic "Sherkout" to a rock-and-roll beat.
Bill Sherk is a feature writer for Old Autos and also writes a weekly syndicated column, Old Car Detective, for thirty Canadian newspapers. He is also the author of Iâe(tm)ll Never Forget My First Car and Old Car Detective. Sherk lives in Leamington, Ontario.