There is only one way to uproot an established Tyrant like this King, all tribes uniting together under one purpose. But even if this dream were possible, how would these allies go against the well-armed King's Guards? How would they go past the Royal Shield, the technology that protects the palace? Clearly, that would not only be a futile attempt but also complete suicide.
When there is no other choice, people have been known to stare back at death. But that is only possible if you're willing to lose your soul for the cause.
It now seems like this whirlwind is never-ending for Genesis as she accepts her fate and hangs on the brink.
Dele was born in an ancient West African city, Ibadan in Nigeria. After studying and working in different cities in England and the United States, he has finally adopted the city of Toronto as his home. He is the Author of Winds of the Forest, the first book in the planned Forestborn young-adult series. He is also working on a YA historical fiction based on the ancient Benin Empire.