Throughout, the book shows what legal approaches can be taken to spatial planning, and uses a four-part framework to evaluate the effects of choosing such an approach. The spatial planning should be effective, legitimate, morally just and economically sound. In particular the book details why the economic effects for society are important and how spatial planning affects how the economic resources of land and buildings are used. The book will be invaluable to students and planners to understand the relationship between their actions and the basic principles of the rule of law in a democratic, liberal society.
Barrie Needham is emeritus professor of spatial planning, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Edwin Buitelaar is a professor of land and real estate development at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, senior researcher on urban development at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), and research fellow at the Amsterdam School of Real Estate (ASRE).
Thomas Hartmann is associate professor at the Land Use Planning Group of Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands, and affiliated to the Faculty of Social and Economic Studies of the JEP University (UJEP) in Ústi nad Labem, Faculty of Social and Economic Studies, Czech Republic.