Matthew Ch. 10. V. 26
For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
Reader you will know for the first time, if you are black, who you are. Your appreciation of Jesus Christ will be increase. God said that black people in the United States are some of his chosen people. In this book are the revelatory truths, precepts, and prophesies of African Jewry as they pertain to the holy history of anointed nations. The roles will be revealed and found to be a key, major part of end times and the predicted outcome of Gods Kingdom on Earth.
Frederick E. Franklin on Frederick E. Franklin: God said that I am an Apostle. God told me to write forty four books. I have a wife and three children. Before God anointed me to be an Apostle, I was an Electrical Engineer. I worked in private industry, local, state and federal government. I was also self- employed. For information on other works from Franklin’s F and SF Ministry For Jesus, log on to: /.