Janice Tangen
espionage, 1920s, France, friction, post-WW1, historical-novel, historical-research, historical-setting, agents, suspense, suspicion, secrets***** British intelligence is alive and very busy in 1920, especially Verity and Sidney Kent. After the War To End All Wars suspicion and hatred from one nation to another was just as rampant as it had been during the conflict, and their current assignments were testimony to that fact. It's really easier to appreciate the workings of espionage at this point in time if you read a book or two before this one despite the fact that the author makes certain to cover personal past histories of the main characters and their wartime tribulations. The publisher's blurb is a good hook, and this series has my nose stuck to the pages. Loved this one, too! I requested and received a free e-book copy from the Kensington Books via NetGalley. Thank you!
Alison Robinson
Overall, the plot was good but the plethora of suspects, spies, factions, and subterfuge made it hard going and I don't honestly think I could explain it coherently to someone. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.