Water a key natural resource, fundamental to life, livelihood, food security and sustainable development is rapidly becoming scarce and limited. Agriculture is the major water user in our country utilizing nearly 70-80 per cent of all the utilizable water resources of the country. Therefore, Agricultural Water Management (AWM) interventions aim at enhancing per capita benefits, while preventing the degradation of natural resource bases of land, water and ecosystem services. Evidence shows that AWM interventions have increased yields, which has helped areas with low productivity. In recent past a large number of new techniques and advanced tools have been invented in recent past which can enhance the water productivity in agriculture to a very high level. Knowledge adoption and extensive use of these tools and techniques needs proper dissemination. There is a dearth of ample number of technically trained manpower to undertake the work of On-farm AWM. Therefore, the present book has been organized with following specific objectives: i) to impart the advanced knowledge of On-farm water management using modern concepts, tools and techniques for assessing, planning and designing the AWM (irrigation and drainage) systems and to disseminate these techniques for enhancing crop water use efficiencies; ii) to train the readers in designing, installation operation and automated operation, controls and management of high-tech irrigation water management systems; and iii). to provide the participants an opportunity to discuss and exchange the new ideas/knowledge with experts/resource persons who have contributed substantially in Agricultural Water Management (AWM). The book has a very wide spectrum covering almost all topics pertaining to advanced concepts and methods of modern Agricultural Water Management. The present book will provide to the readers an in-depth understanding of various related topics pertaining to highly efficient irrigation water management for crop production and enhancing agricultural water productivity such as scientific design and layout of farm irrigation and drainage, soil water content measurement using TDR/Neutron Moisture meters/Soil moisture probe, geophysical techniques of groundwater exploration etc. It will elaborate the concepts and methodology of using modern instruments and systems of irrigation such as drip, sprinkler, rain gun, level basin system etc. that would be an added benefit. Applications of modern techniques such as GIS and remote sensing applications for enhancing water resources use efficiencies in irrigation project, sensor based weather data collection and automated irrigation management and control systems under open field and covered cultivation have been explained in depth. The book shall impart the comprehensive knowledge on advanced concepts in Soil-Plant-Climate interactions, scientific estimation of crop water demand, various irrigation scheduling criterions and application of modern tools and techniques such as; application of computer softwares (such as EQUITA/DRIPD/CROPWAT/AQACROP/IMPASSE/USAR etc.) for irrigation planning and management; under different water supply scenarios in a lucid manner.