Debra P. Taylor Johnson
An Unforgettable Lady (An Unforgettable Lady, #1) by Jessica Bird Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Mystery, Romance, Suspense 3.75 Stars I enjoyed reading this. It is one of J.R. Ward's 1st books & I was curious to see how much her writing had changed thru time. She did not disappoint me. Her talent is amazing. A little mild for me, but it kept me interested. This is the 1st of 2 books that are somewhat linked. However, it is NOT (thank God) one of those books that you have to read the 2nd to get to an ending! This is a full book with a full story of 2 very different people who have to find themselves to be able to find each other. A beautiful romance. Mr. Smith is hot & Grace is a 'True Lady' with strength.
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