This essential resource by one of the world' s most beloved grief counselors has long offered compassion and hope to mourners torn apart by the suicide of someone loved. Understanding Your Suicide Grief will help you understand the traumatic complications of suicide grief and feel less alone as you find effective ways not only to survive but eventually integrate the loss into your ongoing life. Understanding Your Suicide Grief is built on Dr. Wolfelt' s Ten Touchstones, which are basic principles to learn and actions to take to help yourself engage with your grief and create momentum toward healing. This second edition maintains the content of the first edition but builds on it by adding concise wisdom on new topics such as the myth of closure, grief overload, unmourned grief, loneliness, the power of ritual, and more. Excellent as an empathetic handbook for suicide loss survivors as well as an educational text for support groups, Understanding Your Suicide Grief pairs with a guided journal (The Understanding Your Suicide Grief Journal). Not only is jotting down ideas, feelings, and experiences clarifying and therapeutic in grief, but it can also be a way to capture meaningful thoughts and stories about the life of the person who died— not just their death. These two books are used in tandem by grief support groups everywhere. If grief is a wilderness, then suicide grief occupies the harshest, most dangerous terrain.This refreshed bestseller will help you safely navigate your suicide grief and find a path that leads toward authentic mourning and reengagement with life.