Adalet: A Deadly Game of Lies

· Joslyn Chase
39 ulasan
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She bears a scar that mars her breast. And her soul.
Entangled in a deadly game of lies, she stakes every last shred of herself on winning.
If you love a story full of twists and suspense, take a ride with Adalet.
“...had me gripped right from the beginning. At one point, I think I was literally sitting on the edge of my chair.”
~ Dawn Van Beck
Author of Pardon The Turkey
“Tiny details in this are stunningly brilliant...these illuminate the characters and situation with few words. Wonderful writing.”
~ Catherine Ryan
author of The Hiding Kind
“I am reminded a bit of Gone Girl where bits and pieces of information are dangled. One can only keep reading to find out the answers...”
~ Sheilah Ward
“...had me hooked good from the first word to the very last.”
~ MC D’Alton
author of Epona, and Numbers and The Tango

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