Heather Fueger
A Life Without Flowers is the continuation of Carol Denham's story and is the second book in the series. It was quite the journey and I do feel it's important to have read A Life Without Water as well so you have the backstory. Carol is at a crossroads in her life and she has decided it is time to try to mend her relationship with her mother. She heads to Florida where her Mom, Judith, now lives with her Aunt Ellen. Carol knows that this is going to be a challenging time as it seems that Carol has never been able to live up to her parents expectations and she and her Mom always seem to push one another's buttons. With her father having been gone for a few years, Carol wants to try to understand where the disconnect has always been with her parents so she can continue moving forward towards the peace she craves. Carol, Judith and Ellen set out on a journey to say goodbye to Katie, Carol's daughter who passed more than twenty years earlier, as they scatter her ashes in places she would have loved, the question is will this family come out of this stronger or will the divide be even greater when they are done? This book gives you the full range of emotions - happiness, sadness, anger, honesty, forgiveness and empathy. I enjoy following Carol's journey and she's come so far in these two books and I'm looking forward to what lies next for her next.
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Kristie Galindo
Marci has given her readers another beautiful story. This story continues Carol/Caroline’s journey of grief, pain, love and forgiveness. You will need a tissue as this story will take you in an emotional journey. Fantastic book - cannot wait see where the next book in the series takes us.
s s
This is a great read! This book can be read as a stand alone, but to get the true feeling and experience out of the book, read A Life Without Water first. If you read Water first, you get to learn about Carol and her journey of working out issues that she’s been dealt. In this book, Carol is working on her relationship with her mother. Carol goes on a road trip and makes some stops along the way. She wants to dig into the past while her mother is hesitant. Will Carols attempt make her relationship with her mother better? Worse? Dig into this wonderfully written book and enjoy!
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