Unit-II Cayley Hamilton theorem and its use in finding inverse of a matrix. Application of matrix to solve a system of linear (homogenous and non-homogenous) equations, Theorems on consistency and inconsistency of a system of linear equations. Solving the linear equations upto three unknowns.
Unit-III Relation between the roots and coefficients of a general polynomial equation in one variable, Transformation of equations, Reciprocal equations. Descarte’s rule of signs.
Unit-IV Logic—Logical connectives. Truth Tables. Tautology, Contradiction, Logical Equivalence, Algebra of propositions, Boolean Algebra—Definition and properties, Boolean Functions, Switching circuits and its applications. Logic gates and circuits.
Unit-V De-Moivre’s theorem and its applications. Direct and inverse circular and hyperbolic functions, Expansion of trigonometric functions. Logarithm of complex quantities. Gregory’s series, summation of trignometrical series.