Actes and Monuments of Matters Most Speciall and Memorable, Happening in the Church, with an Vniuersall Historie of the Same: Wherein is Set Forth at Large the Whole Race and Course of the Church, from the Primitiue Age to These Latter Times of Ours, with the Bloody Times, Horrible Troubles, and Great Persecutions Against the True Martyrs of Christ, Fought and Wrought as Well by Heathen Emperours, as Now Lately Practised by Romish Prelats, Especially in this Realme of England and Scotland. Now Againe, as it was Recognised, Perused, and Recommended to the Studious Reader, by the Author, Master John Foxe: the Sixth Time Newly Imprinted, with Certaine Additions Thereunto Annexed: Anno 1610. Mense Octobris.., Volume 2