God's Signals in Life

Latest release: November 22, 2023
Christianity · Inspirational · Inspiration & Personal Growth

About this audiobook series

Just as physical pain is a natural signal that tells our bodies to react to relieve that pain and minimize damage, there are many things that we encounter in our situations of life that should act as signals to alert us to respond in certain ways. Sometimes these signals come in the form of emotions like anger, fear, or anxiety. Other signals may come in the forms of memories of past hurts, or seemingly irrational urges to do something . . . or to not do something. Other signals may come in the forms of circumstances that we encounter, like the inability to pay our bills, or someone cursing us for seemingly no reason. 

All of these things (and many more) can be taken as signals to respond in a particular way. If we correctly discern the signal, and respond appropriately, we can transform potentially harmful, negative situations in positive ways that can propel our lives in a positive direction and potentially transform the lives of people, groups and situations within our realms of influence. 

The purpose of this series is to clearly explain the signals, so that they can be discerned when you experience them, and to give clear guidance that can help all of us to make better choices as we respond to God's signals in life.

With blessings,

Alan Drake