The one which binds together has always been special across cultures. Wood joinery has also evolved across various schools of woodworking in their unique ways. For example, in Japanese joinery, the whole wooden house was built on the strength of joinery. Joinery is used for both connecting the wood and also enhancing the aesthetics of the final product.
My Journey:
Back in the days when I was starting with Wood Craft, I was desperately looking for the go-to guide about the processes and the tools involved.
The online content was information overload and not presented in a sequential manner. The books I referred were either focused on a few processes or assumed that I had the necessary information. Also, I found that most of the books were a little aged.
There are two ways of learning; one is learning from subject matter experts who have years of experience, and then there are people who are just a few steps ahead of you in their journey.
I am the second one, five years into this hobby, and still learning from the experts.
Below is the flow of the information provided in the book:
So, what are you waiting for? As said in the woodworking community:
Measure Twice and Cut Once and let's start the journey.