Following the battle where she lost her dearest friend, Zaraquel must come to grips living life without her. Only in finding a way to get Rae back, does Zaraquel make a shocking discovery that could tilt her moral compass from good to evil: Nimue. The Lady of the Lake makes her return yet has no memory of the life before meeting Zaraquel. With their immense power, will joining forces bring peace, or end the world?
As time goes on, the two become fast friends and learn that Nimue may be able to be the true power to help Zaraquel as she prepares to find a way to get Rae back while the others learn more about what Michael had left behind for them.
I was born in Hawaii, a place rich with culture and storytellers. As a little girl, scary tales about vampires, werewolves, angels, demons, and witches were my favorite kindโ much to my mother's dismay.
The scarier, the better.
My love for the supernatural never went away, even after moving to Seattle, far from Hawaii's majestic beaches with unusual colors. Nothing compares to the landscapes of Maui, Lanai, or Oahu. But somehow, Seattle stole my heart anyway. It became the place where my love for stories took on a new form, in a book of my own: The Adventures of Little Arthur and Merlin the Magnificent. This book is for kids who love stories, just like I did.
Then I had an idea while sleeping.
One night, my mind began to work overtime. In a dream, I saw a unique storyline involving all the races and an epic battle of good versus evil. It was a modern-day plot with a three thousand year old prophecy, The Blood Prophecy. I finished the first book in 2014, The Queen's Destiny. Two years later, I released The Queen's Enemy. The last book in the series, The Queen's Ascension, arrives this Spring 2020.
Today, I live in Florida with its beaches and sunshine. But I'm still a Seattle girl at heart. And so all my stories take place in the Northwest.
I always keep to my roots when I write.
- Barb Jones