Adamual 1
You Are Not the Body, You Are Not a Mind!
By SamAziz
Everyone on this planet is on a spiritual journey that begins the moment they’re born. Have you found your pathway to inner peace, joy, and wisdom yet?
Do you ever wonder why life feels so difficult?
Would you like to discover a greater sense of peace and joy in your life?
Do you lie awake at night wondering who has the solution to life’s challenges, or who has the right answers for you?
You may have looked for these answers in many places already... yet somehow you remain frustrated, and you know there’s more out there.
Life can feel so full of conflict and struggle. It’s easy to lose yourself in the daily grind, the bills, the chores, the responsibilities... Perhaps you sometimes find yourself asking, “Is this really all there is to life?”
When grief and pain hit, you sit with your questions about why this is happening. We all have to navigate hard times, and that will inevitably lead you to question the meaning of life.
But exploring deeper answers will bring you comfort, re-energize you, and help you find a sense of purpose and place.
You’re about to uncover the profound, life-changing teachings of the masters, presented to you in a simple, practical way that you can start using right now... along with some new insights never before printed.
The answers that are right for you at this time are all inside you... And this book will help you find them.
Adamual 1 lays out a clear path... and leaves you free to walk it on your own journey of discovery.