Be inspired by this story of personal liberation that will make you get up and own your life!
Living an ordinary life, journalist Jay Banks gets the chance of a lifetime to interview the dying world famous author Katherine Johnson. In her wildest dreams, Jay could not predict the unusual encounter with Katherine Johnson would shake her and make her question every important aspect of her life. Suddenly, every action, feeling, relationship and choice is cast in doubt…
Jay’s story offers every reader, young and old, a fresh and powerful way to examine the most important parts of life and shift from ordinary existence to fascinating and exciting living. Joining Jay Banks as she goes through pain and awakening on her journey of liberation allows readers to take an important step forward towards their own personal freedom.
"Katherine Johnson is going to inspire many people, like she inspired me. I can imagine every reader just doing this – having fun, enjoying life. Wouldn’t that be great?" -- Maria Delaney
"At certain times during the day, I just feel like I want to read it out aloud to everyone so they can hear it" -- Tina Riveros