The runaway bestseller that kick-started the ancestral health movement in 2009—revised and updated audio presentation. This book will help you reject flawed conventional wisdom and implement a new lifestyle patterned after the evolutionary-tested behaviors of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Learn the ten immutable lifestyle laws, validated by two million years of human evolution and an ever-expanding body of contemporary scientific research, that empower you to reprogram your genes in the direction of weight loss, health, and longevity. Today society struggles with fatigue, excess body fat, and elevated disease risk factors caused by processed foods, sedentary lifestyle patterns, and hectic schedules that promote illness instead of wellness. Follow the Primal Blueprint laws to quickly reprogram your genes in the direction of health, happiness, and longevity:
Law #1 - Eat Plants and Animals: Emphasize natural, nutrient-dense foods of the earth
Law #2 - Avoid Poisonous Things: Ditch refined grains, sugars, and industrial seed oils that promote disease
Law #3 - Move Frequently At A Slow Pace: Walk, take movement breaks, do structured cardio
Law #4 - Lift Heavy Things: Brief, intense, full-body, functional movements to delay aging
Law #5 - Sprint Once in a While: The ultimate primal workout for adaptive hormones
Law #6 - Get Plenty of Sleep: Minimize artificial light and digital stimulation after dark
Law #7 - Play: Unstructured outdoor physical fun for stress management
Law #8 - Get Plenty of Sunlight: Vitamin D comes from direct skin exposure to sunlight
Law #9 - Avoid Stupid Mistakes: Hone your risk management amidst modern hazards
Law #10 - Use Your Brain: Pursue interesting, exciting cognitive challenges that keep you sharp