Leo Crane was a Hopi Indian agent stationed at Keams Canyon, Arizona, during the years, 1910-1919. In his Indians of the Enchanted Desert, he describes hi experience there. Transferred by the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1919, he spent nearly an identical period of time as Pueblo Indian Agent in New Mexico.
Leo Crane was the Indian Agent at Keams Canyon for the Hopi and Navajo Tribes, starting in 1911. He then served as the agent for the Pueblo Tribes of New Mexico, and was later transferred to the Crow Creek Reservation, South Dakota. He also worked at the Colorado River Tribes Agency. In the 1950's he worked as guide and ranger at the Boulder Canyon Dam. He authored two books on the southwest: Indians of the Enchanted Desert and Desert Drums: The Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, 1540-1928.