In this sequel to Dream of Me, Josie Litton pursues the romantic and political affiliations between the Saxons and the Norse at the end of the ninth century. When the Saxon lord Hawk agrees to take a Norse bride, he finds an unexpected affection for his enigmatic and fiery fiancée, Lady Krysta. But Lady Krysta arrives bearing many secrets—including her gift for seeing what others cannot. When Hawk’s sinister half-sister collaborates with a bevy of other schemers to try to drive a wedge between the couple, only Krysta can sense the looming danger that threatens both Hawk and the peace effected by their union. Believe in Me is studded with a cast of colorful characters and framed by a richly drawn historical context.
“The large and powerful men and the women, each different but with their own special ‘gift,’ are smart, funny, and believable.”—Booklist