Forget the idea of classic poetry being somehow dull and boring and best kept to children’s textbooks. It still has life, vibrancy and relevance to our lives today.
Where to start? How to do that? Poetry can be difficult. We’ve put together some very eclectic Poetry Hours, with a broad range of poets and themes, to entice you and seduce you with all manner of temptations.
In this hour we introduce poets of the quality and breadth of John Milton as well as themes on The Female Poet, February, Graveyard Poets and more.
All of them are from Portable Poetry, a dedicated poetry publisher. We believe that poetry should be a part of our everyday lives, uplifting the soul & reaching the parts that other arts can’t. Our range of audiobooks and ebooks cover volumes on some of our greatest poets to anthologies of seasons, months, places and a wide range of themes. Portable Poetry can found at iTunes, Audible, the digital music section on Amazon and most other digital stores.
This audio book is also duplicated in print as an ebook. Same title. Same words. Perhaps a different experience. But with Amazon’s whispersync you can pick up and put down on any device – start on audio, continue in print and any which way after that.
Portable poetry – Let us join you for the journey.
The Poetry Hour – Volume 16
John Milton. An Introduction
Paradise Regained. An Extract from the First Book by John Milton
Sonnet XIX by John Milton
The Passion by John Milton
The Graveyard Poets – An Introduction
A Night Piece On Death by Thomas Parnell
Invocation to Horror by Hannah Cowley
Ode XIV – To Solitude by Joseph Warton
Lines On Observing A Blossom on the First of February 1796 by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Hymn Written Sunday February 11th, 1798 by Robert Anderson
A Valentines Song by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Kiss by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Winter’s Naked Wood by Daniel Sheehan
How Like A Winter Hath My Absence Been. Sonnet 97 by William Shakespeare
February by Louisa Sarah Bevington
The Poetry of John Clare - An Introduction
The Peasant Poet by John Clare
The Vanities of Life by John Clare
A World For Love by John Clare
The Female Poet – An Introduction. Volume 4
Very Early Spring by Katherine Mansfield
Sea Love by Charlotte Mary Mew
Summer in England, 1914 by Alice Meynell
Sonnet by Alice Dunbar Nelson
Against Love by Katherine Phillips
Hop Picking by Edith Nesbit
Life by Mary Darby Robinson
After Death by Fanny Parnell