Issac (I. C.) Robledo’s mission is to seek truth and use his wisdom to help individuals and societies pursue higher states of consciousness, understanding, and being.
While Robledo’s prior work focused on improving our thinking, intellectual, and creative abilities, his current work focuses on how we can improve ourselves, our communities, and societies in a holistic fashion. As critical as it is to improve ourselves intellectually and creatively, there are many other important areas we must seek to better ourselves in. For example, truth-seeking, expanding empathy, self-understanding, mental and spiritual harmony, and providing more pathways for education, learning, and opportunity. He is also interested in pursuing a philosophy or way of life that considers a wide range of people, beliefs, backgrounds, and the state of our times.
The Thoughts Robledo provides are based on him having reflected deeply and synthesized knowledge from a vast range of sources, including books, wise people, personal experience, logical thinking, meditative insights, intuition, and also from various cultures, time periods, philosophies, and religions. He does not subscribe to a single way of being, seeing, or doing, but rather encourages us to tap into something that will break us free of our self-imposed limitations.