Freeing Beck: The Complete Collection

L Loryn Ā· į‰ AI-Mason (įŠØGoogle) į‹Øį‰°į‰°įˆØįŠØ
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This is the COMPLETE collection of the Freeing Beck Series. It includes THREE short stories.

Breaking Free:Ā 
Dark haired, green eyed Beckā€™s finally ready to attend his coming out party. Heā€™s bent on finding his freedom when he meets Tobias ā€œCarverā€ Coleman, an MMA fighter whoā€™s bent on setting him free.Ā 

Beck grew up knowing heā€™d be arm candy. He knew he was beautiful and he spent ten years learning exactly how to please a man. He knew the art of conversation, how to laugh and smile and make a man feel special. He was ready to accept his fate until he met Tobias ā€œCarverā€ Coleman.Ā 

Tobias ā€œCarverā€ Coleman found himself at an exclusive underground event alongside his billionaire best friend. Heā€™d been single for years, but Beckā€™s brilliant green eyes warmed him from the inside out, but Beck has a secret worth over a million dollars.Ā 

Beck wants his freedom and Tobias wants Beck. Can they both get what they want?Ā 

Finding Freedom:Ā 
Free from his previous master, Beck has a lot of learning to do. He has to get his high school diploma, navigate a world where he decides what he wants to do, and most importantly make friends.Ā 

On his first day of school, he meets a girl named Moe who questions Tobiasā€™ motives and everything heā€™s done for Beck, sending Beck flying off the rails.Ā 

Can Beck sort out the good from the bad and decide between Moe and Tobias?Ā 

Ultimate Release:Ā 
Back on the right track, Beck works on getting his life back together. The next semester of school brings new friends and new opportunities.Ā 

And itā€™s been over a year since the first night Tobias brought him home. A year of hard times and having Tobias stand by him makes Beck ready for something more, but Tobias may not feel ready.Ā 

Is he ready to learn from his mistakes and start over again with a new friend and finally have an intimate relationship with Tobias?Ā 

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į‰°įŒØįˆ›įˆŖ į‰ L. Loryn

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