Losing a trusty weapon is like losing a close friend, and Pix’s beloved capacitor blade is on its last legs.
Fortunately, she has a plan to craft a new, even better weapon. Unfortunately, her plan involves hunting down a vicious migrating monster that has more teeth than some hunters have brain cells. Even worse, this new creature has riled up the apex monster of Skull Harbor, and both of them are spoiling for a fight.
But Pix has one thing they don’t: a party foolhardy enough to take them both on.
She’ll need all the help she can get, because it’ll take all their combined luck, skill, and oversized weapons to put down these two monsters. But her friends have her back. After all, there’s awesome loot to be had!
If they manage to survive...
WARNING: Excess is a light, fast paced, feel good progression fantasy with a little saucy language and a lotta snark and banter. (So don’t read it if you don’t like cusses and/or, idk, fun.) There are no stats ‘cause I hate stats, but if you want a LitRPG vibe without all the extra-long numbers bits, GameLit it up with these dorks. They’re the worst role-playing party ever and they need all the help they can get.
Science-Fiction & Fantasy