The Harbor by Ernest Poole: Ernest Poole's novel "The Harbor" provides a powerful depiction of the lives of working-class immigrants in New York City during the early 20th century. Through compelling characters and a gripping narrative, Poole explores the challenges and aspirations of those striving for a better life in the bustling city.
Key Aspects of the Book "The Harbor":
Immigrant Experience: Poole delves into the struggles and dreams of immigrants as they navigate life in a new country.
Urban Realism: The novel offers a realistic portrayal of urban life, shedding light on the social issues and disparities prevalent in the city.
Human Resilience: "The Harbor" celebrates the resilience and tenacity of the human spirit amidst challenging circumstances.
Ernest Poole was an American novelist and journalist known for his works depicting the lives of ordinary people and social issues of his time. Born in 1880, Poole's dedication to capturing the realities of immigrant life in New York City in "The Harbor" made a lasting impact on the literary world, prompting discussions on societal change and the human condition.