Eager Star

· Winnie the Horse Gentler Книга 2 · Tyndale House Publishers · Озвучення: Sara Hannan
3 год 9 хв
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Про цю аудіокнигу

Twelve-year-old Winnie Willis has a way with horses. She can gentle the wildest mare, but other parts of her life don't always come as easily. Along with her dad and sister, Lizzy, Winnie is learning how to live without her mom, who was also a natural horse gentler. As Winnie teaches her horses about unconditional love and blind trust, God shows Winnie that he can be trusted too. Readers will be hooked on the series' vivid characters, whose quirky personalities fill Winnie's life with friendship and adventure. In #2 Eager Star, Winnie learns something about people as well as horses when she begins to value the power of praise and encouragement.

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