BOOT Collection: 3 books in 1

· BOOT 4. raamat · Hodder Children's Books · Loeb: Joanna Ruiz
7 h 49 min
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BOOT Series - 3 Audiobooks in 1 By Shane Hegarty:

BOOT small robot, BIG adventure:
When toy robot, Boot, wakes up at a scrapyard, it has no idea how it got there and why it isn't with its owner, Beth. It only has two and a half glitchy memories, but it knows it was loved, which means something important to humans.Boot soon realises its emotions make it different to other robots, who just function and don't think. Boot is scared but tries to be brave, which is hard when its screen keeps showing a wobbly, worried face. Luckily Boot meets Noke and Red - other 'advanced' robots who have learned to survive in secret.

The Rusty Rescue:
Toy robot Boot has come a long way since it woke up in a scrapyard with only two and a half glitchy memories. It has a home with its robot pals in an abandoned amusement arcade, and has discovered what true happiness is - although it's still not sure why humans are so leaky and weird ... But when Boot and the gang stumble upon Rusty, an old, broken robot, forgotten in the back of a testing lab, it's time to spring into action. Boot knows there's something special about Rusty - but can they free the old robot and help it find its purpose?

The Creaky Creatures:
Boot was once a toy robot, but it has come a long way since it was scrapped and woke back up with only two-and-a-half glitchy memories. When Boot catches sight of a robot pet it used to know - Mr Piggles - our hero and pals follow it to a beautiful green square in the city of skyscrapers. Here they find not just real nature, but also a haven for broken and rejected pets. They also meet the children who look after the pets, and for whom this green space is a sanctuary too. But Boot is distracted by its emotions, swinging from happy to sad ...

(P) 2021 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Teave autori kohta

Shane Hegarty has been shortlisted for an abundance of awards. His younger, middle grade title Boot was shortlisted for the Sainsbury's Book Award, nominated for An Post Irish Book Awards and chosen as UNESCO Dublin City Of Literature Citywide Read. Darkmouth was nominated for the Waterstones Prize, An Post Irish Book Awards and the Bord Gáis Irish Book Awards. Before becoming a full-time writer, Shane Hegarty was a journalist and editor of The Irish Times and worked in radio and the music business. Shane lives in Skerries, County Dublin.

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